Monday, August 6, 2012


On Saturday - the most blazingly hot day I've spent outside in years - the extended family went to Kennywood.  It was the first time our kids had ever been there and they had a blast.  I would have enjoyed it A LOT more if the weather had been a tad more cooperative. Over 90 and high humidity made me feel like crap.  I'm surprised we didn't collapse on the way back to the car.

On to the pictures!

Liam and I preparing to ride the ParaTrooper. NOT OUR BEST DECISION.

After riding the ParaTrooper. NO ME GUSTA.

"MOTORCYCLE!" Jamie screamed and had to ride it.

On the Orbiter

Liam and Cousin Becca on the flying elephants.

Pretty girl Becca 
Granddad, Scot, and the boys on the S.S. Kenny

Scot just loves this ride!

I don't know why Liam is making this face but it's hilarious.

Loving the Lil Phantom!

A sign we did Kennywood right.
I'd be willing to take them again next year but when it's COOLER.  Hauling 40 lbs of Jamie around in a wagon just about killed me (and says a lot about my lack of fitness).  However, they're never going to get me to ride the big coasters with them. NOT A CHANCE IN HELL.  They'll just have to figure that out on their own. Seeing as Liam wasn't a super fan of the ParaTrooper either, I'm probably safe. At least for a little while!

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