Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Burgeoning Romance

Today I had to pick Liam up at school.  He's been taking a Lego class after school on Thursdays so instead of taking the bus home, I pick him up at 4:30.

Jamie and I got there a bit early and hung out waiting for class to be done.  When it was over, Liam approached us with his backpack on and no coat.  I asked him if he had everything (he said yes), I said "where's your coat?" and he answered with a giant sigh and "I forgot it."

Since we hadn't left yet we strolled down to his classroom to pick up his coat before we headed home.  As we approached the door to the classroom I stopped dead in the hall when I spotted this:

"My name is Leah and I like Liam."

Of course I whipped out my phone and took a quick picture.  Liam had completely ignored my little detour and gone into his classroom to find his coat.

Now, there was one of these little declarations for each of the students.  Some of them said that the kid like video games or Barbie.  So, the next thing I did was start looking for Liam's.

Guess what I found when I did?

"My name is Liam and I like Leah."

Not Star Wars.  Not Legos.  Not Tae Kwon-Do.  Leah.

Well, well, well.

Liam informs me that they had to choose something to like that began with the first letter of their first name.  Still, you'd think that Liam would automatically think of Legos.

It begins so much earlier than I thought.


  1. He might like her because she has a Star Wars name, y'know :D

  2. Leah is a new one. Previously we've heard about Sophie, Ashley, and Tria (sp?).

  3. First off, Lego class? Fantastic! Block play is an excellent educational activity that, sadly, most schools have abandoned past Pre-K or, if you're lucky, K. I'm pleased to hear that you could get him into an enrichment class since they no longer offer it as an integrated part of the curriculum.

    Second, go Cari! So many parents get so crazy when their children develop crushes. It's normal! Their concept of "liking" each other, or even of being boyfriend and girlfriend, is completely innocent and developmentally appropriate. They hang out at lunch and recess. Maybe they hold hands. So adorable.

  4. Pix - yeah it was something one of the other parents organized. It's Star Wars themed so between Lego and Star Wars it is so totally up his alley. I couldn't pass it up for him even though it meant rearranging his TKD schedule for the month that the class runs. He loves it and get so excited about it every week.

  5. The really cute part is that they picked each other! So often at that age, one half of the "couple" is like, EW NO THANK YOU.
